Sierra Popoluca

Sierra Popoluca
Soteapan Zoque
Highland Popoluca
Spoken in Mexico
Region Vera Cruz
Native speakers 30,000  (1991)[1]
Language family
  • Zoque
    • Gulf Zoquean
      • Sierra Popoluca
Language codes
ISO 639-3 poi

Sierra Popoluca, also sometimes referred to as Soteapanec, Soteapan Zoque, or Highland Popoluca, is a Mixe–Zoquean language of the Zoquean branch. It is spoken by around 30,000 indigenous Popoluca people in and around the town of Soteapan in the Sierra de Los Tuxtlas in southern Veracruz, Mexico. The speakers themselves call their language Nundajɨɨyi which means "true speech", and themselves Nundajɨypappɨc.

Bilabial Alveolar Alveolo-Palatal Palatal Velar Glottal
Stops b, p d, t ɟ, c ts ɡ, k ʔ
Fricatives s ʃ h
Nasals m n ɲ ŋ
Approximants w j
